Clash of kings girls
Clash of kings girls

He will tell you to talk to some maester at the citadel.

clash of kings girls

  • Relationship with Ser Baelor Hightower +5 or -5Īfter completing this mission (to completion) and Seed of the Dragon, then talk to Gilbert Farring asking him about Dragon Seeds.
  • Simply leave and re-enter the area to find the newly spawned Quest NPC.Ī list of all found quests as of version 7.1 In some cases, speaking to an Activate NPC will spawn the Quest NPC the next time you enter the same area. Most quests are first activated by an NPC, which then spawns the actual quest-giver NPC - hence the "Activate NPC" and "Quest NPC" columns below.

    clash of kings girls

    As of v2.2, in addition to the normal vassal quests there are several unique quests with notable rewards.

    Clash of kings girls